Saturday is here and I am starting to feel better. Enough better to stop taking the pain meds.
I am not hiking Thunderbird Mt. today, but I am getting a few household things done, and who knows we might even get really adventurous and watch a movie. This afternoon I resting though. I don't seem to have the stamina for too much in one day. This morning Dan has been really busy. He got our boat running, the 1st time since last summer (maybe fall?), and worked out in the yard on the sprinklers etc. Right now he is out with Rachel looking at trucks and 4 wheel drive vehicles for her. She had one that didn't work out, so they are on the hunt.
Yesterday, my friends gave me a Mad Hatter Party... this included lots of crazy hats, bits of jewelry, ribbons, belts,a feather boa and other decorations to dress up the hats. We all tried all the hats (they looked better with some hair sticking out from underneath) and laughed a lot. It was SO fun. We had a good lunch and I ate too many potato chips, but so what.
Other fun news friend's son got engaged this week! Congrats to John and Lynn! (and Sean and Danielle the soon -to- be newlyweds)
Remember Amish Friendship Bread? The kind where you get some bread along with some yeast starter from a friend? Well, my friend Yvonne brought me some this week, so it is happily fermenting away in a ziploc in my pantry. I am so glad that it will be during a good week that it is ready to make a batch of bread to share. And now with computers it is so much easier to share, all the recipe/directions don't have to be copied by hand :-)
Summer is getting going now, it is HOT and really bright out. Possibly 110 next week. Definitely want to be up early getting a few things done, and then resting in the afternoon. I will most likely be going in to work M, T, W. Things are really in the last crazy stretch for Kids Club at NM. I will miss the 1st week, which starts June 28th. :-( But I will get to stick my head in a bit the 2nd week, and I'm grateful. It really is such an example of God's unconditional love for kids who don't really get loved. Everything else aside, that's what it is.
I am not looking forward to the next round of chemo at all. This last one was much harder than I expected. Maybe it is just the accumulation of it all. But they said it would be easier! Well, nothing we can't get through. There are certainly harder issues and circumstances in life. And this is helping me .... (remember the slogan?) KICK CANCER"S BUTT!! ("roundhouse kick" to be precise! )
Wherever you are, lots of HUGS,