It is amazing how different I feel compared to just two days ago. I don't know if this will be the pattern, but I am just glad for these last two days.
Yesterday, along with feeling better and stronger, emotionally and physically, I had a wonderful visit from my friend down the street, Yvonne, and her two boys. I had to smile!! The boys played with the dog, talked to me, colored, cut chain paper men, and ate lots of watermelon.
I loved it. Yvonne left me with some great tea, and a good start to the day. thanks!
After that I wasn't even tired,(!!) and I was able to do some Neighborhood Ministries work, it wasn't like I changed anyone' s life, but I DID something. I made phone calls, check emails, schedules some things, and still had energy. I made some more calls, and wrote a couple of notes. My friend Lynn called after work, and we had a great time sitting outside eating salad and talking. I went home and watched a movie: Bedtime Stories. I didn't cry all day. As I write this, it sounds so basic. Maybe you are getting the idea of just how sad and tired I had been.
I have been sorting through some of the piles that have accumulated, worked some, met my folks for coffee, had a visit from Rachel, and I am getting ready to cook a healthy dinner. Dan is in San Francisco on a turnaround business trip. I am able to imagine the view of the city from the other side of the bridge, the headlands side, and it's almost as good as being there. (if you haven't walked through the spongy Muir Woods, try it sometime, it's great) He keeps calling to check on me. :-)
I finished reading Endurance, about Shakelton's Antarctic survival (thanks Kate). They say Shakelton was a most gifted leader in that he encouraged great things out of everyone in the way he served them.
I talked to Danny a couple of days ago. He says Hi! (Thanks for calling me :-) Danny, it helps me feel better.
Our friend Juan just called and is so excited. He is leaving tomorrow to visit Spain. He will be in Mallorca mostly. Isn't that exciting? I can smell the ocean and taste the seafood. MMMM. I would go there.
After dinner, I will take a couple of laps around the block, and then read some more. It's not Spain, but it will do for now.
Keep praying because I know it helps.
Carmina Bella