Getting ready!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

2 Down - six to go!

Carmine had her second dose of Chemo this week. We are very thankful that she did not experience as much nausea as last time. I'm writing because she is tired and trying to rest.

I've attached a picture of her sporting the Terrier (wig) and a picture Sans Terrier......her hair was thinning rapidly so the clippers were used yesterday afternoon.

Carmine's looking forward to visiting by phone and in person this week, we're trusting her energy will be building over the next few days.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers, dan


  1. It was great seeing you today! I'm glad you're feeling so well considering what you're going through. Love you

  2. I like both looks - mostly because your beautiful smile remains constant! Hope you have agood week.
    Much love,
